

AKHIRNYA foto jamborenya KETEMUUUUUUUUUU!!!! \(^.^)/ hahahhahaha
ternyata ada di tempat cd papa -___-
Christcurch Jambore
Summer 2008
Dec 28th - Jan 5th, New Zealand

 I miss these views...                                                                                                                                   

Downtown, New Zealand

Lake, New Zealand


I miss these moments....                                                                                                                             

day before the camp, at our hostel

openeing ceremony, Dec 28th 2008

activity at downtown

International Night

New Year's eve! \(m)/

 New Zealand city tour

Sydney city tour

I really, really miss these person....                                                                                                             

Ferrona, Michelle, Allie, Royale, Me, Ruth

Vina, Ferrona, Alvita, Royale, Ruth, Angie, Davita


Phillip! a 12 years old boy at the moment.

Vina, Kameron, Raymond

At least but not last ....


yah semua fotonya blur  

More things I won't forget from this Jamboree:                                                                                           
☻ Taranaki TNT troop
☻ Hot Chips NZ$ 2.50
☻ Hot Chocolate
☻ Sunday mass at barn
☻ Hot chill out day
☻ Bicycle washing machine
☻ tempat cuci piring super jorok pake 3 bak isinya air anget, air sabun, air dingin. Dipake rame rame sampe berminyak!

Gak berasa udah hampir 2 taun :'(
kalau bisa rasanya 2 minggu ini pengen diulang terus.

6 Months/ 1 Semester/ Half Year

Since you've been gone.
Going back to everyone's real home.

It's like, time goes really fast.
It seems half year equals to several weeks.

No one will forget memories they've spent with you.
We'll love you with or without seeing you.

Sleep tight bestie,
have a sweet dream.


This post is dedicated to Rio Hartanto and everyone who loves him.
No heart feeling, I just miss my best bud :)



Good night world.
Good night waterdrops on my bathroom.
Good night history book.
Good night ticking clock.
Good night everythings, everybody, everywhere.

I'm about to dream sweet dreams.
Dreams that I wish would come true.
And I'm sure someday it would.

or maybe "night"dream believer? :)

I'm corious how to do LUCID DREAMS and if I could, I really want to try it.


They invented hugs to let people know you love them without saying anything.

 I need a hug. A warmth hug.


maaf yah ini tampilan blog ganti ganti mulu ga bagus bagus.
gimana sih caranya pasang background tapi bener?
ini pake minima jadi mini banget fotonya kepotong.
pake template yang lain backgroundnya kok ga muncul?
coba template lain, gadgetnya ilang.
kenapa hidup begitu susah? :'|



oke ini lanjutan postingan yang tadi, ini foto - foto yang lebih jadul. Ini foto - foto kelas 9 dimana nama folder sams filenya aja masih norak sebenernya sampe  malu sendiri dan menyesal kenapa dulu hidup begitu norak HAHHAH.

ini RET RET di pratista!

ini semua random, kelas 9 pokoknya hahaha

....dan ini.....  YANG PALING MEMALUKAN

HAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHH afsshbajgaklshgklajhgkla
kenapa anak smp begitu norak mengedit foto kayak begini?

yah biarpun malu  maluin tapi tetep ngangenin. Ada 1 folder lagiyang mau di post, PROM NIGHT <3 tapi gak bisa sekarang karena besok gak jadi ULANGAN MAT INGETGRAL SUPER SUSAH!
Hidup anak smp emang norak, tapi ga semematikan hidup anak sma. haaaaaaaah

Ini loh salah satu foto yang sebenernya mau di post!


Random karena PLAN A GAGAL

HALO! sebenernya hari ini rencana mau ngepost tentang jambore, tapi nyari nyari cd fotonya gatau kemana haaaaah. eh jadinya malah ketemu foto-foto ini

wohoo ini kerumah agnes taun lalu!

ini juga taun lalu!

foto-fotonya belom seberapa, ternyata ketemu banyak fot yang lebih norak,judul albumnya aja norak sampe malu sendiri HAHAHAH. tapi yang penting kan memorinya.


sunday sucks

No hang outs, accounting books as my breakfast and economics for my dinner. CRAP!

Let's see....
Accounting book

(koperasi serba usaha)
(koperasi simpan pinjam)



Economic Book

(page... idk)

(another page)


Bye sunny SUN day, it's more like BOMBday because my brain explodes just like a bomb.
